today evening, benny sms-ed me and told me that his visa to australia had approved. felt happy for him as his wish came true. but den few minutes back he juz told me that he'll leave m'sia this coming thursday with ah siang. which meant, 2 days later or more officially to say,
tomorrow. i was like "...speechless..." flash back the memories, i wonder when did i get close with this gongbin. the first time must be when he went to met up with me in klsentral and helped me to carried my things to sunway when im going to find my sister over there. during the time i stayed at sunway, we used to hang out together. during last sem break back in kelantan, him and another kimxiu ah siang used to be my yumcha kaki coz most of my close friends are busy preparing their stpm that time. i used to call him as my 'dad' up to some funny reasons which most of my housemates knew his appearance coz he's willing to come setapak from sunway or mihraja and hav few hours tea n talk talk talk, of course there's still others
unimportant person like ah teck and loon :P and went to zoo with him teck loon jian and where the name kimxiu for ahsiang are invented that time so do monkey for me. there's alotttttttttttt of stupid crazy memories although the time is short. but soon, kimxiu siang n benny is leaving, and without a confirm date when will return. maybe 1 year ? 2 years ? or 3 years ? but nvm, i will forget them very soon coz they always bully me !! haihhhh.. 'dad' and siang, please dun marry koala and kangaroo in australia k. so sorry couldn't send u in klia this thursday as i need to go genting for training. all the best in everythingss, sang sang seng seng, and come back to m'sia with glory !!!
must keep in touch and take care !!!
some message for em'
benny : gong bin dad, although u're gong bin, but i think u still will be sang seng when u're in australia la. everything must endure lo dun so ganas tuh. if can find one 'mom' for me la but i duwan koala and kangaroo deh XD thanks for everythingss and smoke less !
siang: dun say is ah teck afriad of the snake, im the one who holding the camera, i know u afriad too ! i meme dun hope u become slim like ah teck when u come back from aus. eat as many as u can jugok deh. i'll miss all the stupid broken chinese hokkien ;) n ur gong bin face.
all the best to u both. frens forever !!!
benny muahahaha. this is the only pic u're alone in friendster. n siang said this pic shows ur lonely in ur eyes. soli deh~
unimportant teck and siang. actually he very afriad of the snake one.
wat a "daughter" i have =.= i already tell her im goin to aus this wan to blame back me...wan i show back u the msg i sent bo??lol...btw...take good care of ur self also lar...don call me take care nia...stop stop ur o2jam or sdo doh...assignment many like mountain ane...still dare to play some more...later ur original dad know u die terus i tell u...and wish u good luck wif my future "son" tuh...muahahahha...byebye deh useless daughter
wahaha...most sohai girl i ever meet!!always talk cock and suan siao ppl,teach me bad things >.< anyway thx to you also,really have a good time wif u,hope we can meet real soon,harap harap when we back benny bcome grandpa la,wakakkakaa,take care good luck!
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