Tuesday, January 30, 2007
i've been torturing by the globalization and communication notes for the whole last nite. but when i get the question paper today morning, or i shud say when everyone get the question paper, their face is like wtf ?! and i juz simply hantam watever i know in the paper so that the paper wont looks so blank but in fact there's not the point for the answer. shit !!!! im wondering y on earth shud those examintor created such a fuxking bloodyhell complicated question, izzit they will get higher pay if majority of the candidates fail the paper ? or maybe im the one who deserve for this ending ? coz i end the previous paper at 25th and today is 30th. there's about 5 days for me to prepare for this fxcking paper. but wat hav i done lately ? and the most ridiculous thing is i still went to hairsaloon yesterday to highlight and cut my hair, yes, AGAIN ! so sad rite, haih summore heard that there's no chance for those who fail in exam to re-sit for the paper next sem as dat's a short sem, and means, if i fail the fxcking globalization paper, there's no convo for me this year and i can get my ass to the 'society college' and work while waiting to re-sit for this bloodyhell paper. how am i goin to tell my parent about this ? can someone kind please help me to get a re-sit form and teach me how to fill it ? the thing on my mind now is i wishhhhhh there's a chance to resit this paper next sem, please please please coz there's 80% i'll fail it and the rest 20% is when miracle happens. next paper is another damnshit mass media law, hopefully i wont screw dat paper over here. God bless.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
back in setapak. n i miss em !
back in setapak 2 days ago. everything goes sweetly that day. the flight never delay and the dearhousemates went to pick me up in klsentral and we went to the eye on malaysia. hmmph, they've been waiting my return for ages in order to go there together. earlier we tot there would be some fireworks performance seems there's fireworks like EVERYNITE since the launching of the ferrywheel. but den it disappoints us bcoz now johore is facing serious flood and we shudn't have any celebration so the fireworks performance sudah dicancelkan. haih fate, johore facing flood but kl hot like nobody's business. i really duno how to describe the bloodyhell HOTness im having here, is like u're sitting under the fan studying also can sweat like waterfall, or even melting! im not over-described ! is that hotttt !! i miss those cloudy days in kelantan, i miss those siaochabos, i miss the sparelegs, i miss the super annoying curfew, i miss homecook.. n i miss the days i NO NEED to touch any books but only hang out everyday. tomorrow is my first paper for the final examination dis sem. aza aza !
Saturday, January 20, 2007
life's miserable..
well, kinda long time never update anything here. im currently still being some cinderella in my sweet hometown. will be back to KL at 22nd and congrats me coz my first paper for the final test dis sem will be on 25th. wuhooooo, and i never touched anything AT ALL, or i shud say, i never brought back any notes to prepare. guess that the buffet in renaissanse with my girls will cancel saja saja due to some kegawatan economy in us these days and postpond to the gathering at chinese new year. life in kb is all about yumcha kbmall yumcha kbmall yumcha and cinderella. curfew is forever annoying. oh yea, i've finally get my ass on the chairs in hairsaloon for the whole evening yesterday, yea, i've makes myself a new looks. i finally choosed rebonded as everyone out there asked me do not perm to avoid i looks even old. eww, the fringe now makes me looks like kid and sharon summore said i looks like those typical tm or kk girls which they normally with long rebonded hairs+fringe. memang tak boleh accept. i miss my previous hairstyle. duno wat else i shud type over here, sienz, i dun looks like an exam candidates at all. eww..
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
greetings from UK.
hello everyone out there, im in UK currently. everything makes me smile besides the weather over here is like everyday raining. apparently my dear hometown is gonna flood soon. but suprisingly today there's kinda sunny and i told sharon the weather will change bcoz i came back. yeah sharon, and of course choot and lang. finally, i met my girls and gossips, coz i seriously need to update some 'news' from them. nowadays they're different, their 'licence' is bigger as they have finish their stpm exam and obviously free like hell. im actually not much different with dem also juz that my final exam is coming up 2 weeks later. 2 weeks LATER! wuhoo~ actually i came back dis time is to spend my study leaves, but den i only bring back few piece of notes to comfort myself coz i know i wont touch any of them until last minutes. actually i kinda enjoy my life in UK although there's no redbox or gsc and even the mall is like minimarket that big, at least i can eat homecook i can drive i can gossips with my girls i can play with my dog and the most important is i can watch astro!! so far im still trying my best to adjust back my lifestyle coz the routine over here is totally different. just take last nite as example, i went to tea with mygirls at mugmug around 10+. and that time i only take my dinner but dats consider as supper for others, den end up tea at 12. omg ?! dis is the boring part in UK coz im a cinderella over here, even if im not cinderella, there's still nowhere to go. sienz~ i wish to go pcb waterfall and hunts for foods. wuhoo, UK still the best, i meant kotabharu, Ulu Kelantan. i only know my dear cat died last month cause its too old when i search for it once i reach home yesterday. my dad never tell me this news coz he dun wish i sad for dat =(
in memory, rest in peace miao~
Monday, January 1, 2007
lets get loud . happie new year
irst of all, muahahahhahaha hah ah ah ah ha ha hahaha hah ha hah hahhahaha hahah !!!! peoples, FINALLY the ong yeen yeen had finished the work in genting! wuhooo~ dis is the first time i felt so proud coz most of the ppls used to say that 'see my style' i wont work till the end and bet summore, but guess wat, muahahahaha i've spending my december's weekends in genting!! i've did it i've did it!! but there's kinda big sacrifies seriously coz its mega sales now but i never have any free weekends to shop sob sob -.-" although dis job kinda torturing, but still felt hesitated to leave all the frens who work together, will be missing the time we used to steal bone, starbucks at latemidnite, sleepovers, and some other jokes. sentimental ei ?? i'll only miss the ppls there but not the job and the ROOM ok. yeah the haunted room!! there's some supernatural case happened on me in the haunted room that i'd mention in my previous post. that time i was having a small rest in the room when i reached genting at friday as there's some xtra time b4 working and im damn so tired. im not sure whether im dreaming or awake, but wat i can feel is my whole body is like getting numb and i cant move or even shout at all after i heard some heel's sound walking passed by the room. n its happend for twice at the same time, i meant like after the first time n when im half awake, it comes the second and takes about few minutes. scary rite ! after that my fren kept telling me that actually im not kacau by any spirits instead of im too tired coz im totally moodless that day. yes in scientific view, i admit im way too tired that day. but in some other superstitious view, i still believe that 'something' is pressing me. i shud have to listen to my grandmother's words that i shudn't be a free thinker coz when the incident happened, i duno which percept of religion i shud call to safe me; at all. although we've switch room after that day, but still i cant have any relieve sleep or shower at all, coz i scare la weh ! luckily it's the last week already or else im sure that i'll quit halfway.
it's 010107 today. a blessed new year with a new beginning. the celebration in genting give me banyak dissapointed coz i expect it will be more happening than christmas did. benny siang jian loon teck bbsproc and some others went to celebrate their new year in genting. we went to highland at 1130+ coz i off working at 10+ that day and when we reached there, the condition is like ioahfuehuieunwanfgvuuewign CROWDED gila. those sh kept pushing here n there to find their easy way to a better place to watch the fireworks. and that time i only find out actually im quite tiny in size coz i got packed until nearly drown in the sea of ppls. at last we end up the stupid countdown and fireworks under packed condition. and i heard a conversation from a pair of foreign couple, i guess they're singaporean. 'u see the malaysian is so ridiculous la, they're like never see any fireworks b4'. eh ppl, both of u r pushing and standing on the field to watch fireworks also la please, maybe less both of u, the air will be smoother ok. *speechless* ! benny they all left genting around 4am+ after tea. thanks for going wuhoo.~ after that i meet up with the gang in firstworld's timesquare and there's like all our laughter and sounds. so far i dun hav any nice pics to share over here as most of the pics is in ck's camera. happie new year everyone. may all the good things happend to all of u ~ lets get loud for the blessed new year !=))) oh ya, since its a new beginning, i wanted to have some change over to my hair. color? highlight? digital perm? rebonding? short? hmm, give me some suggestion please my dear frens^^
nice rite. LOL
christmas gifts 06'. specially thanks someone for the s.whiteplutonia and jia for the very sweet handmade card. thanks all of u =)))
it's 010107 today. a blessed new year with a new beginning. the celebration in genting give me banyak dissapointed coz i expect it will be more happening than christmas did. benny siang jian loon teck bbsproc and some others went to celebrate their new year in genting. we went to highland at 1130+ coz i off working at 10+ that day and when we reached there, the condition is like ioahfuehuieunwanfgvuuewign CROWDED gila. those sh kept pushing here n there to find their easy way to a better place to watch the fireworks. and that time i only find out actually im quite tiny in size coz i got packed until nearly drown in the sea of ppls. at last we end up the stupid countdown and fireworks under packed condition. and i heard a conversation from a pair of foreign couple, i guess they're singaporean. 'u see the malaysian is so ridiculous la, they're like never see any fireworks b4'. eh ppl, both of u r pushing and standing on the field to watch fireworks also la please, maybe less both of u, the air will be smoother ok. *speechless* ! benny they all left genting around 4am+ after tea. thanks for going wuhoo.~ after that i meet up with the gang in firstworld's timesquare and there's like all our laughter and sounds. so far i dun hav any nice pics to share over here as most of the pics is in ck's camera. happie new year everyone. may all the good things happend to all of u ~ lets get loud for the blessed new year !=))) oh ya, since its a new beginning, i wanted to have some change over to my hair. color? highlight? digital perm? rebonding? short? hmm, give me some suggestion please my dear frens^^
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